Both ‘Hotel Tango’ and ‘Golf Sierra’ have had vibration issues in the cruise power setting. HT ‘s gearbox has been removed and is now with CFS in Coventry the UK Rotax dealer who have found gear teeth out of tolerance. Parts are on the way from Rotax Austria for both aircraft, so we are hoping to have the issues resolved in the next couple of weeks.
We have now moved into our new office in the the spare time available due to unflyable days. The old Portacabin will still be utilised for a Crew room for the instructors and also an examination room once redecorated.
Our engineering shop has kept Paul busy with Graham’s Mistral rebuild,Toms P92 service and now a Jabiru in for service and Permit.
We will be having a BBQ and Club get together at the end of April. We will try to pick a good weekend for this so that it can be enjoyed by all. Look out for the post.